How do I cancel my Allegiant flight and get a refund?

Step by Step guide on How do I cancel my Allegiant flight and get a refund

You can cancel your flight and get a refund from Allegiant flight with the help of the following ways-

  1. Log on to the official website of Allegiant airlines.
  2. On the top right corner of the page, click on Manage Trip.
  3. On the following page, you can cancel your flight ticket by entering the credentials for your flight.
  4. And your ticket will be modified.

How can I get a refund on the Allegiant Air flight?

You can get a refund only under these circumstances with Allegiant Airlines.

  • If it has been more than twenty-four hours since you booked your ticket and you wish to cancel, a cancellation fee of seventy-five dollars will be charged.
  • The remaining balance will be added as a credit for your future travel with Allegiant.
  • If you cancel your ticket within the twenty-four-hour window, no cancellation fees will be charged and you’ll be getting a refund as a flight voucher.
  • If you purchased Trip Flex while buying your ticket, you can modify your ticket even within one hour prior to the departure of the flight.

The above-mentioned measures will help you get a clear picture of the topic ‘How do I get a refund from Allegiant Air?, so that you fly hassle-free, the next time you wish to travel.